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40 Jahre | HFF 77 VERWALTUNG STAATLICHES MUSEUM ÄGYPTISCHER KUNST GR. FILMSTUDIO EINGANG STAATLICHES MUSEUM ÄGYPTISCHER KUNST KL. FILMSTUDIOGR. TV-STUDIOKL. TV-STUDIOSENDEREGIE VORbauhalle GErätetechnik und verleih werkstatt Archivleitung Gewiss, all dies ist noch Zukunfts­ musik – aber wenn nicht jetzt, wann sollte man dann die Zukunft der HFF antizipieren und projektieren? „So viel Anfang war nie“ – der Hölderlin- Satz trifft auch auf die sich rasch ­entwickelnde Situation der HFF am neuen Standort zu. Mit der Grund­ steinlegung ist ein Anfang bereits gemacht. Doch der ganz eigentliche Anfang beginnt in unseren Köpfen, mit ­unseren Vorstellungen (Projektionen) und Wünschen, die Zukunft nach besten Möglichkeiten zu gestalten. Diese Chance ist mit dem absehbaren Einzug in das neue Gebäude der HFF im Jahr 2010 in greifbare Nähe ge­ rückt – man muss die Möglichkeit ergreifen, man darf Vertrauen haben, man kann anfangen. A Bold Design: The New Building of HFF Munich The new HFF building, to be ready in 2010, is located in the midst of Munich’s impres­ sive museum and university complex. It promises to be a great success in matters of teaching, research and aesthetics. Its bold design redefines the area from Königsplatz to the Pinakothek museums and integrates it into the life of the city. The Bavarian State Minister for Science, Research and Art, Dr. Thomas Goppel, judges this development as a great opportunity to continue the previous ­success of the HFF and says it will more than ever be a centre of film culture. Prof. Dr. Albert Scharf, former HFF ­President, counts as the “inventor” of this plan. He convinced the then State Minister for Science, Research and Art, Dr. Hans Zehetmair, that the HFF needed a new building – opposite the Old Pinakothek. They brought in former Minister of Finance, Prof. Dr. Kurt Faltlhauser, who approved the project. The new HFF building at Gabelsberger Strasse in Max-Vorstadt is ingeniously integrated into Leo von Klenze’s classi- cistic design, already enhanced by modern architecture, and anchors it in present-day reality. Architect Peter Böhm calls it a “successful mix of time periods”. For the HFF this distinct new venue is both a challenge and an opportunity for public representation and for collabora- ting with its surroundings. Not only can it become the attractive centre of various Munich film festivals, but its central loca- tion offers possibilities of interacting with the neighbouring museums and universi- ties, in particular the Art Academy and the Music Academy with its film music department. “Never was so much beginning” – the Hölderin quote holds true for the rapid development of the HFF at its new venue. The foundation stone has already been laid. But the real beginning starts in our heads with our ideas to design the future in the best way. With completion projected for 2010, this chance is within reach – we have to seize it, have confidence, and begin.
